Tuesday, March 13, 2007

As the seed opens, so come the torrents of energy in the form of emotion.
Like any new life, the birthing opens the self to the other in a union that is true oneness.
Emotion is the fueling movement to let go, then to just be.
The view from within, that for so long seemed to be the whole world, has now become a particle in the all-changing view.
"Stability" no longer becomes the goal, but opening to what is in the moment freely.
The unwanted becomes the focus of opening with our hearts and minds to dissolve the perception of separate and to widen the view.
To feel is to be open to change and to bridge the self with other, until all is known and accepted as the whole.
There is then only what is now and that is enough.
It is peace in a world that fears the unknown.
It is the salve that brings healing in the present.
The view from within can be fresh when one opens to other with compassion to allow joy of being.

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