Monday, September 16, 2013

Here Is Heaven

For a moment, I am speechless.
With music accompanying the tone,
Escape becomes and words appear
To picture a vision within.
Mind drawn and canvased as a dance of font and image,
Together swirling upward,
Heaven is brought to Earth.
Still moments connect,
Creating a resting place of peace,
To visit again and again.
Forever free
Here is Heaven.

                        (Sandra Ora Lee)

Morning Rush

Beauty, slow and unfolding

Visions entrance eyes and heart

Sounds open within a place of mystery to travel afar

My voice, silent, yet emerging soon



Stillness births movement forward

Worlds apart come together to create and spin chaos into order

A system evolving

Black no more

Color wheel spills tones to splatter tunes

Now the dance



        (Sandra Ora Lee)

Thursday, August 27, 2009

I Choose Life

Holding on, because I value what I fear I may never have again.
Letting go, because I realize that change is good and movement brings life.
Everything moves and changes, which is living life.
It is my choice to live or die in any moment.
I choose life, because it is inevitable and flowing with all that is.
That choice is the real connect to the creative and to all living beings.
This choice I can only make for me and not for another.
I choose life. ©
SOL (Sandra Ora Lee)

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Inner Journeying

In my quest for journeying, I open to all that is pure essence
I seek all that is true nature, to begin again within
My wandering is beneficial to knowing the Self
Where I travel, I am
Where I am is enough
I seek thoughts and feelings that take me further in to the abyss of love
Finding my way is genuinely found from the opening of love’s guidance
I love and I am
That is enough ©

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Nature Reflection

Inner Reflection in Nature

Spent time that must be let go

I discover my worth as enough

I live here in this moment; all that is

Realising that doing/being more is gone

Non-achievement is the goal to realisation of the truest nature

Full circle, where beginning and ending are one.




Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Let Go To Be Still

As I sit still within, I hear the tempest brewing.
I speak not to another, as I revel in joy's aura.
To feel whole,
To know of love and to speak truth
I ponder within to hear not what I haven't got, but what is here.
To know where I go from this place of rest, of solace
Traveling in strides that make life
I see a light place that echoes love, that tells all that is now.

Thursday, March 22, 2007


In the space of being, there is a grasping at first, to hold to the illusion of self and other.
The grasping peaks, then dissolves into the all encompassing as one.
The self and other are no more the reality; only being.
Sometimes the state of being follows confusion and chaos, that is mostly about other, with no sense of self.
Othertimes it comes from an intense focus on self at the core, that appears unconnected to other.
Both paths bring union, that is the middle; that is being.
This is likened to any creative process manifested, whether it be the cycle of seasons, a human life or an artist's creation.
It is the beginning and the end; the whole cycle complete.
Simply Being.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

As the seed opens, so come the torrents of energy in the form of emotion.
Like any new life, the birthing opens the self to the other in a union that is true oneness.
Emotion is the fueling movement to let go, then to just be.
The view from within, that for so long seemed to be the whole world, has now become a particle in the all-changing view.
"Stability" no longer becomes the goal, but opening to what is in the moment freely.
The unwanted becomes the focus of opening with our hearts and minds to dissolve the perception of separate and to widen the view.
To feel is to be open to change and to bridge the self with other, until all is known and accepted as the whole.
There is then only what is now and that is enough.
It is peace in a world that fears the unknown.
It is the salve that brings healing in the present.
The view from within can be fresh when one opens to other with compassion to allow joy of being.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Since this is my first posting; I thought that I would write about the concept of beginnings. Like a seed, a thought encompasses and starts the process of manifestation.
As the seed is nourished by the elements for growth, so do our thoughts become.
Envisioning what we want, which includes thinking and feeling it to already be here, manifests fully our reality we live.
This allows us to shift from reacting to the external as our only movement, to acting from our inner motivation.
Right choice within creates the external of the same.